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Management at Brekam Farm !
The Management Team at Brekam Company Limited is made up by professional staffs anddedicated individuals with a passion for making an impact in the agriculture sector through management of viable agriculture projects and products value additional using the full-time employees and using dedicated staff.
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Crop Farming.
Brekam Company Limited Owns 1 S Farm 1. 16 Acres Farm Located in Ngwerere Lusaka District, The Farm Is Used For Crops Production Using Various Irrigation Systems As They Are Both Supporting Irrigation Farming. Various Ranges Of Crop Are Produced Starting From Tomato, Maize, Soybean And Ginger.
Livestock Farming
Brekam Company Limited has variety of livestock held at company’s farms whereby Chicken make the main livestock project for the time being; The main products from poultry range from • Chicken Eggs • Chicken Meat • fish • pigs and• Day old chicks from hatchery Unit
Products Processing & Packing
Brekam Company Limited tends to process farm products in the process of value addition to the farm produce, whereby; • Maize/corn are processed into corn flour or animal feed ingredient • Soybean by products are also processed into animal feed ingredients • Sunflowers by products are also processed into animal feeds ingredients
Formal, Informal Training & Extension Services.
Brekam Company Limited facilitate links to both formal and Informal training
as well as extension services specifically to esteemed customers who purchase day old chicks from the company and contracted farmers. These customers are treated as potential future suppliers of eggs to the company. The training involves • Chicken housing • Handling of day old chicks • Brooding • Feeding • Growth management • Keeping chick healthy (Vaccination, Temperature, Ventilation,Lighting etc)
Products Marketing
Brekam Company Limited invest on securing a reliable market for the products produced within the company as well as those products produced by out growers.
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